Operadora TurĂ­stica Mexperience S.A. de C.V.

Today's Exchange Rate $ 20.00 MX

Horseback Ride Beach & Desert

2 Hours
Dificulty Easy
9:00 am , 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm

If You belong to this category Your will enjoy a very relaxing walk trot on a good horse and feel the sensation of the breeze touching your fiacre while you admire the huge waves of the Pacific Ocean and great views.


More information

Before Booking

  • Minimum age 6 years (1.20m)
  • Limit age to ride 70 years.
  • Weight limit 110 kg (245 lbs.)
  • Not recommended for: pregnant women, people with back problems and recent surgeries.

Transportation cost


Additional Charges

Park entrance: 25 USD per person

Reserve your Tour today!

$ 72.00 USD
Adult (6+)

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