Operadora Turística Mexperience S.A. de C.V.

Today's Exchange Rate $ 20.00 MX

Terms and Conditions

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE of Operadora Turistica Mexperience S.A. de C.V., a company with business activity, and known commercially as “MEXPERIENCE CABO” with address at Calle Forjadores #4 Colonia Santa Rosa, San Jose del Cabo B.C.S. Mexico Postal Code 23428.


The use of our site implies express acceptance of these terms and conditions, we recommend that you read them carefully.
MEXPERIENCE CABO reserves the right to modify the content of the site at any time and without prior notice. We recommend that you consult the terms and conditions periodically. MEXPERIENCE CABO will publish notices related to the modifications made to the terms and conditions. The modifications do not apply retroactively and will come into effect at the time such changes are published.

All information that MEXPERIENCE CABO collects from the user is treated with absolute confidentiality in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

The services provided by MEXPERIENCE CABO are:
3.1.- Provide personalized advice to choose the option that best suits you and fits your needs and budget, based on the needs of services to be contracted in the Mexican territory among the different Tourist Assistance Options or any other service published within the MEXPERIENCE CABO website.
3.2.- Be an intermediary in the contracting of the services and Tours that are listed within this website and the users to reserve, request or interact within the means available within the website and other digital or printed media owned by MEXPERIENCE CABO.
3.3.- Promotion and marketing of the Tour services published on the website and other digital or printed media with the option of MEXPERIENCE CABO

In relation to the information on the services offered through the site by third party sites listed in our directory, linked or linked to the site, these are provided by natural or independent persons of MEXPERIENCE CABO, being the exclusive responsibility of the provider that offers them, Therefore, under no circumstances can MEXPERIENCE CABO be considered as a supplier, seller or provider of said services, so in this act the user releases MEXPERIENCE CABO from any matter related to the above, and MEXPERIENCE CABO does not assume any responsibility. for any damage that may be caused to any user of the site, in relation to the content of this paragraph.
The availability of services offered by third parties or linked or linked sites is not the responsibility of MEXPERIENCE CABO. In view of the foregoing, MEXPERIENCE CABO will not be responsible to any authority of any nature, for any matter related to the sale, consumption, distribution, delivery, availability or provision with respect to any of the services offered by third parties or linked sites. or linked through the site.

MEXPERIENCE CABO must facilitate the processing and reservation of TOURS and other services provided by other service providers that the user chooses within the options contained in our directory. MEXPERIENCE CABO does not provide or own any services and/or accommodation.
The user confirms that he or she is old enough to legally use this website, as well as to be bound by Mexican laws. The user acknowledges and accepts that he or she is financially responsible for the services contracted for the intermediation of this site.
When the user makes a reservation through this site, they agree to contract the services and/or services of the entity they have chosen, not with MEXPERIENCE CABO, who, being a referral, is solely and exclusively an intermediary even between users and suppliers of others. travel services.
When making a reservation, you will be asked to pay a non-refundable advance payment. MEXPERIENCE CABO may collect this deposit in the name and on behalf of the corresponding service provider, that is, the tourism providers in question. The user is responsible to the corresponding tour providers to pay the balance of the total cost of the requested services and/or accommodation together with any other payment concepts for additional services that are subsequently agreed upon.

MEXPERIENCE CABO does not assume any responsibility related to or derived from the veracity of any information contained on the site provided by any natural or legal person other than MEXPERIENCE CABO. In the same way, MEXPERIENCE CABO does not assume any responsibility for any damage or harm that may be caused to any user, in relation to the use of any information contained on the site, other than the information provided by MEXPERIENCE CABO.
In the event that the user wishes to carry out financial transactions through the site and has received previously established security means from MEXPERIENCE CABO, it is the user’s responsibility to keep said information confidential, for which MEXPERIENCE CABO is not responsible for errors or negligence. of the user when using the site.

For everything concerning the interpretation and compliance of these terms and conditions, the parties submit to the applicable laws and courts of the city of Benito Juárez, Mexico, and renounce any other jurisdiction that may arise due to their present or future domiciles. correspond to them.